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Dear Esteemed Shareholders,

As we step into the new year of 2024, we are filled with excitement about the fresh growth opportunities that lie ahead. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed their financial resources, services, and supply-chain expertise.

METAXCHANGE AI, INC. is now embarking on an exciting journey towards filing for its IPO. While our initial plan is to register with the OTC Market, we have set our sights on progressing to OTCQB and eventually the American Stock Exchange (ASE), which is a part of the prestigious NYSE market.

Throughout 2024, our primary focus will be on recognizing and maximizing revenue. METAXCHNAGE forward looking projection relies on K Media and similar onlien & print publishers as term-contract.  We we aim to monetize subscribers and advertisers over a span of five years.  The strategic move will enable METAXCHANGE AI to offer lucrative subscription and impacful advertising opportunities. Our innovative DIGITAL MEDIA ROOMs, also known as "Data Clean Rooms," are designed to thrive in the post-cookies era by ensuring real-time interaction with enhanced privacy measures to prevent real-time and streaming services.

To achieve the aforementioned goals, we have devised a two-fold strategy that centers around "Client & Brand Acquisition" through both organic growth and strategic M&A activities. As time progresses, the METAXCHANGE AI Universe will be enriched by a portfolio of M&A ventures, each holding hidden value. When we acquire a company, we not only gain its assets, but also its valuable customer base with long-term potential. This allows us to build a robust predictive foundation and increase the number of subscribers and advertisers through our cutting-edge DCR platform.

We are thrilled to be on this journey with you, our esteemed shareholders, and we look forward to the exciting times ahead.



Ahmad Moradi, CEO





METAXCHANGE AI, INC., led by the esteemed team is embarking on a thrilling expedition towards the creation of a Responsive AI Human Avatar. Join us as we explore what the future holds for AI in the year 2024. Immerse yourself in the enlightening MIT Technology Review.

Publishers and Online Broadcasters now have the opportunity to utilize groundbreaking ROOMs, also known as "Data Clean Rooms," for their direct-to-consumer channels. Imagine a "Theater Box" experience where each participant receives privileged ROOM with integrated and customized services. With ROOM, the journey to building a remarkable customer experience begins with strategically planning Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Data Clean Rooms (DCRs) are ingeniously designed to empower brands in the post-cookies era by ensuring real-time interaction and providing enhanced service that makes clients feel truly included.

By combining the power of AI with DCR, we introduce an exhilarating new dimension to the customer journey. Don't hesitate, take the leap and embrace the wonders of DCR with AI.